Step Up Your Charcuterie Board

Monday, July 27, 2020 // By: Nikole Patterson-Hurst

Monday, July 27, 2020 // By: Nikole Patterson-Hurst

The charcuterie board has been a part of French cuisine for many years. Traditionally, these boards include a simple mix of cured meats and cheeses, spread on a board as an appetizer between friends and family. Now though, charcuterie boards have become a staple at restaurants and social gatherings, and the spreads have become endless. The best thing about a charcuterie board is that it’s essentially cooking-free no matter how fancy it gets (and during the summer who wants to cook in the heat)! Here are some tips and tricks to assemble a sweet and simple charcuterie board that everyone will love!


1.  Use a variety of meats


 A traditional board sticks to one style of meet, but that doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself! Include cured meats, play with the textures, and some colours and spices with what you add. Mix prosciutto, salami, ham, soppressata-the combinations are endless!


2. Use a mix of your favourite cheeses


Use cheeses that you love! Whether it’s a soft-baked brie, a smoked gouda or some aged cheddar. Some people follow rules of placing only hard cheese, soft cheese, spreadable cheese, but rules are meant to be broken.


3.  Add colour and flavour


Whether it’s through sweet, savoury, salty or sour add some colour to your board! Add some dried or fresh fruits to pair with your cheeses, a jelly-spread for the crackers or some pickled vegetables for some tang! You can add decorative options like edible flowers on top of the board for some fun (and make the board picture perfect)!


4.  Keep it simple


There’s no need to overcomplicate things. Whether you’re feeding yourself or a large group, the best boards are the ones that don’t try and do too much. Using fresh and simple ingredients will keep your board looking and tasting delicious!